Minnesota Vikings Painting
by Cliff Spohn
Buy the Original Painting
28.000 x 40.000 inches
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Minnesota Vikings Painting
Cliff Spohn
Painting - Acrylic On Board
I had less than a week to get this designed, painted and delivered before opening day. Because there was a poll taken in the state as to who people thought should be in this. Nobody knew for sure who would be selected, I was sent a tentative list with photos. I actually didn't finish it but it was finished enough that nobody could really tell, or cared for that matter. I finished it when it was returned to me, then received a nice letter from Bud Grant saying how much he liked it, I didn't have the nerve to tell him it wasn't finished. You would think that there is somebody (a fan) in the state or anywhere else that would want to buy this, I'm really getting the feeling that it would be difficult to even give this away... The same with the other Vikings paintings.....
October 9th, 2011