Patrick Ewing
by Cliff Spohn
Buy the Original Painting
13.750 x 16.750 inches
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Patrick Ewing
Cliff Spohn
Painting - Oil And Alkyd
I painted this in oil and alkyd, a quick drying oil base. I wanted to do this whole series in oil, but because of tight deadlines and mailing I needed to keep with the acrylics, I'd rather paint portraits in oil because acrylics are a pain when it comes to realistic portraiture. thought it funny because the painting looks just like my acrylic portraits. Originally painted for a series of prints for a company that does not exist now. Would like to sell prints but must find out about copyrights first.
July 27th, 2011
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Comments (6)
Gull G
“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” — Vincent Van Gogh 💖 Congratulations on your recent sale of this amazing Work!
Jacek Dudzinski
Beautifully done!. You inspire me. I would love, if You could let me know what you think about my work. ;-)